Friday, December 21, 2012

Two of Four

In this rather interesting photograph we see two interesting vehicles. The most obvious, of course, is the Me 323 Giant powered glider (of which one was recently discovered fairly intact at the bottom of the Mediterranean). Only a few thousand of the French-engined monsters were made.

And then there's the other vehicle. It's a Marder II. You may have seen many photos of Marder III's and IV's (based of Czech Pz38(t) chassis), and maybe a few Marder I's (based off the PzI chassis). This, if you can't tell, is based off the Panzer II. Why you hardly see photos of them is because only a few hundred were made. Why? Well another extremely successful vehicle, the Wespe 105mm mobile artillery vehicle, was based off of the Panzer II chassis. Because the Wespe was so successful, all Panzer II chassis production (and all the surviving tanks too) were made into them.

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