Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Factual Fantasy?

You couldn't really build ships like this and have them be very practical. Real space craft look quite a lot different. But why do fantasy spacecraft have to look realistic? Sure, it may give us unrealistic expectations on what they should look like sometimes, but is the point of fantasy to be realistic? Frankly, no, not at all. It should be creative, it should depict a world which we do not fully understand. The point of fantasy is not to give us a technical manual, it is to let us explore other worlds without leaving our living room.

Now, you may be saying "well what about the realistic fantasy? Should it all be thrown out the window?" Well, of course not. Fantasy can be very detailed, but it's still fantasy. Even a very technical description of a ship like this would be fantasy, because I'm not sure there are many ways to get something as big as that to hover in a planet's atmosphere.

So don't worry about the unrealistic nature of fantasy, and let it take you away.

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