
My name is Jordy. Currently I'm a college student, having just graduated high school. I'm interested in space travel, astronomy, history, old guns, 80s European cars, Star Trek (well, anything 80s and 90s scifi), and many other things. I would also call myself an optimist, so most of the things I talk about are probably going to be, you guessed it, optimistic. I hope that humans will go into the stars someday soon. I believe that space travel will help give more unity here on Earth. The colonization of space will have some negative effects like the militarization of space and the movement of big business into space, but I think the gains that we will get from space exploration will outweigh the costs. I love thinking about the future as well as studying the past. After all, how can we know where we're going if we don't know where we've been?

The Earth is and always will be our home, but the universe is too enticing to resist exploration. It truly is, in the words of Captain Jean-Luc Picard, The Final Frontier.

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