Monday, December 24, 2012

Later War German Armor

Porsche-designed Elefant (Ferdinand) tank destroyers in the factory still under construction. Despite having an incredibly powerful gun and very thick frontal armor, the lack of any machine guns caused the Ferdinand to be a total flop. There are two left; one in the Moscow tank museum captured at Kursk, and one in Maryland at the Army Ordinance museum captured at Anzio.

Some Panzer IV's in the Russian winter. They have the upgraded skirt armor around the turret, but none next to the tracks yet.

More Panzer IV's in Russia. Again with the skirt armor around the turret and plenty of extra tread thrown on. They've been traveling as indicated by the muzzle covers.

Panzerjäger V 8,8 cm PaK 43/3 L/71 - also known as the Jagdpanther Sd. Kfz. 173. Armed with 88mm guns, they were a force to be reckoned with. Seen here on the steppes of Russia, probably spring/summer 1944.

Tiger tanks in France 1943. By the time they entered service in 1943 they were almost obsolete because of things like the Panther and the Tiger II. However, they still proved to be very effective tanks and are widely recognized.

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