Tuesday, December 11, 2012

Belief is Not Just for the Religious

This is really my first - and hopefully last - political post. Why I chose to post it is because it is something close to my heart. It is not necessarily the reason why this man chose to protest, but the fact that he did. He knew he would probably get arrested, yet he chose to protest anyway. Why? Because he believed in it. Protesting is something that can be very effective. However, it can either end well, or it can end very, very badly. Either way it will probably produce some kind of result. Mostly, it will get attention. Look at the 2011 protests and revolutions in the Middle East. Those not only changed some things, but they drew the world's attention.

Find something you can believe in that will help more people than it will hurt. Find something to believe in that will draw good attention not bad. Find something you can believe in that is worth believing in.

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