Monday, December 24, 2012

Random Photos

This is just a bunch of photos that I've collected in my upload folder that I haven't really been able to use and they've just been sitting there. This, obviously, is a bunch of Mustangs (a name for wild horses for those of you who think it's just a car). The population of Mustangs in the United States has gone down, but there are still some left. In fact, when I was in Big Bend national park a few months ago I saw some on the banks of the Rio Grande.

This, if you can't tell, is a swamp. I've never actually been to one, and I would like to go. Swamps are very interesting and diverse ecosystems.

And this is (I believe) and IS-3. I could be wrong though, because I'm not too keen on late 1940's Russian tanks. However, it's not a tank I would want to mess with.

This is a photo I found a while back and found quite humorous. It's some 1960's astronauts taking a break. I would love to figure out who the artist is.

This is just a cool flock of birds.

And this is a picture I thought was very interesting. These are weapons captured by US forces in Iraq. It's amazing the kinds of weapons still used today. You can see everything from new FN FALs and RPG-7s all the way to junky AKs, M1895 Mannlicher rifles, old Mausers, and even a Chinese pellet gun. What this shows is the enemies we've been fighting are not that well equipped.

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