Monday, December 24, 2012

BSG: Blood and Chrome; Finally What We've Been Waiting For

So I watched Battlestar Galactica: Blood and Chrome last night. I have to say, I'm pretty impressed, and excited. I watched the re-done Battlestar Galactica that came out a few years ago, and while it was a fantastic show, it could have used a bit more blowing up robots and a little less sleeping around (anyone who watched it will understand that last part). The visual effects were fantastic, and it presented a very gritty and believable show (at least regarding the spacecraft and the physics, maybe not so much the story). Then a little while after that ended, a spin-off called Caprica came out. It was about the back story of the father of the Galactica's commander. It went in a totally different direction than the original BSG, showing the origins of the Cylons. However, the show got canceled a few seasons in and it seemed as if fans would never get to see the first Cylon war.

Well, enter Blood and Chrome. This time, we see William Adama (the future commander of the Galactica) as a fresh rookie pilot thrown into a rather old and unpopular war. It's a fun, funny, exciting, and action packed chapter in the Battlestar Galactica saga.

I'm providing a link to YouTube where you can find it. I suggest you take some time and watch it now!
                                    Click here for awesomeness

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