Friday, August 17, 2012

Venture Star

This is the ISV Venture Star from the movie Avatar. It's an incredible work of art. It's an interesting conceptual design for an interstellar vehicle. The whole movie has a lot of good messages in it. Stuff about what current-day humans would do if we found another world with life on it that also had something of value that we could take. I think by the time that we reach the capability to travel to other world we will at least have some respect for other life and other cultures. Yes, there will always be people around who would take what they want because they think they are entitled but I believe that by the time it would become a problem other people will be in power.

Or at least I hope.

On another note, I really love this picture. The people who made it paid a lot of attention to new ISV (interstellar vehicle) conceptual designs and also to the look of a planet from space. It's an absolutely fantastic piece of artwork. And it's kinda sad that it was only in the movie for a minute or so.

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