Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Science Fiction Future

This is an artist's concept of one of the Pioneer spacecraft going past Jupiter.

It seems like things that are shown in science fiction become fact pretty quickly.

Another Pioneer going past Saturn.

These are some interesting artist's concepts of the Pioneer spacecraft. A hundred years ago, something like this would be impossible. If you told the common man, yes, we can send a machine into space that will go and orbit the other planets and take photographs and then send them back to Earth, he would call you crazy.
The Antares from the show "Defying Gravity"

Now we're dreaming up things like this. This ship runs of nuclear-electric propulsion. Others are being thought of that run of pure nuclear propulsion, like Project Orion. Others are being thought of that run off anti-matter. Some of these things seem like they could be possible. We are starting to toy with the idea of traveling deeper into our solar system and even into interstellar space.
The Battlestar Galactica from the show "Battlestar Galactica"

So tell me, why would something like the Galactica be so far-fetched? Yeah, it would be impossible right now. Right now. What about in a few hundred years?Do yourself a favor. Look at the science fiction of today.

That is the future.

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