Sunday, August 19, 2012

The Edge Of The Sea

This photograph is incredibly beautiful. The billions of stars and galaxies, the interstellar clouds of gas and dust, all forming shapes and lines and colors. However, that is not the beauty I am talking about. The most beautiful part of this photograph is that it is a picture of the past, present, and future all at once. Light from these stars to millions to trillions of years to get here. Right
now, all we can do is look at these stars and dust. All we can do is reach our hand out and touch the waves at the edge of the sea, while the rest beckons us on. And, most amazingly, it is our future. Eventually we will be able to go and see these stars. We will be able to travel to places much more beautiful, and the best part about the whole thing is that we'll never stop dreaming. We'll keep going, we'll keep exploring, we'll keep finding new things that are even more beautiful than this.

My recommendation, listen to this while you look at the picture. Think about how amazing it is. Study it. Think about where we will be in a few years, a few decades, a few centuries......

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