Monday, September 17, 2012

The Lucky Few

Most photographers will tell you this; you'll take a thousand photographs, and only like two. And, most of the time it's true, especially when using real film. I shoot mostly color out of an old Olympus 35mm camera that belonged to my mother in college (in the late 1970s), and these are a few of my favorite photos from my trip to Hawaii in July and a recent plane trip with a friend.

This is some type of flower after a small shower in Waimea Valley on Oahu.

Another photo from Waimea Valley. The area in this photo, and in the next one, is a preserved area that includes ruins of an old native Hawaiian settlement.

One thing I love doing with photographs is putting something in the fore ground out of focus with the background in focus. I love how it draws attention to the background (or vice-versa, the fore ground).

The rocks around where the village was. I attempted to do the same effect as the last photo with the background in focus, but there wasn't enough stuff in the fore ground to put out of focus to make it work very well. I still like the photo though.
This is right below Diamond Head crater, facing south west. I love this one because of the colors of the ocean. I love how they turned out in the photo.

This and the next are a series I took on a hill near Makapu'u light house on the southern shore of Oahu. Again, I was trying to do my favorite effect in this photo, but unfortunately I got too much of the fore ground in the photo for it to look its greatest. However, even with the big fore ground, I still prefer it over the other photo.

Another that I love because of the colors. The land and the water, combined with the mist in the distance, is amazingly beautiful.
The co-pilot's view of a Diamond DA-20. This was taken on the taxiway while my friend (who just got his pilot's license) was doing some last minute stuff before takeoff. Even with the little red splotch on the bottom left, I love this photo. In fact, I think it may be one of my favorites out of all that I've taken. I love the contrast of the dash and the gauges with the out-of-focus field.

Like I said, these are the lucky few that I really liked, there are many more sitting on my computer.

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