Friday, January 25, 2013

Capturing the Moment

In 1958, an uprising and a coup lead to the dictator of Venezuela, Marcos Pérez Jiménez, fleeing the nation he once ruled. Thanks to another blog I follow, Forgotten Weapons, I have obtained some photographs of the revolution. Their focus was, obviously, on the weapons being used (which are very interesting, and I will provide a link to their article) but my focus is on the photographs. More specifically, on how the photographs caught the action. They caught the emotion, and they caught times.

Here you can see a Venezuelan soldier holding his FN FAL rifle riding on what I believe is an American M8 armored car.

Soldiers fighting in the street with civilians watching. Notice the predominantly American cars and 1950s style modern buildings.

A protest or a rally - I'm not sure which - with soldiers mingling with the crowd.

This photograph shows a lot of emotion. The man looking at the camera in the center obviously isn't happy - especially about his picture being taken.
The same group of soldiers from the last photo, this time in a slightly more serious situation.
                      Arms of the Venezuelan Coup - Forgotten Weapons

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