Saturday, February 16, 2013

A Different World

The Hindenburg flying over Manhattan in 1936. Imagine if these sleek ships hadn't fallen out of favor. The world could be a very different place.

I actually have had an idea that could bring back airships. Cruise ships take people across the seas for a few weeks to multiple destinations. You can do cruises of the Caribbean, the Greek islands, the South Pacific and many more places. Imagine if you could see all of those places, plus Europe, the Himalayas, Africa, and many other places, all in one cruise? Airships, updated with modern technology of course, could potentially offer things like that. Instead of using lighter-than-air gas, they could use steam. With current technology, we could make them lighter, faster, and give them more endurance. Granted, they may only be able to carry a few hundred passengers instead of a few thousand, but I have a feeling the market would be there (once the economy picks up well again of course).

So, could that other world still be possible?

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